Masteron - drostanolone

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Active substance: Drostanolone propionate
Tradenames: Masteril, Metormon, Mastisol , Permastril , Drolban, Masteron


Masteron is an injectable form of drostanolone propionate. Drostanolone is derived from dihydrotestosterone, with a moderate anabolic effect and a strong androgenic one. It does not convert to estrogen, so gynecomastia and water retention are not a problem. In fact masteron has anti-estrogenic propreties, behaving like Proviron. In the field of medicine it was used to treat brest cancer. There is little data on its anabolic effects but there are planty of informations about its capabilities to kill cancerous tumors. And in this regaard it excels. To give you an idea, Masteron + Tamoxifen is a better treatment than chemotherapy in the early stages of breast cancer.

Bodybuilders use Masteron especialy for cutting and burning fat. Many use it a few weeks before a competition. It is also anabolic enough to build some qulity muscle mass but the gains won't be to big. It cand be stacked with other steroids like Deca-durabolin or Equipoise; this leads to more muscle gains but without much water retention. It can also be stacked with Dianabol or injectable testosterone for even more muscle mass gains and with moderate water retention.

For cutting it is usualy used in combination with  Winstrol, Priomobolan or Oxandrolone. This will preserve and even incerase muscle mass and burn fat at the same time. 
When is added to a heavy steroid cycle Masteron acts like an anti-estrogen; depending on the cycle rate of aromatization it is possible to use Masteron as the sole anti-estrogen. 

Masteron is a strong androgenic steroid, which translates into an increased aggression. It also gives the harder and dryer look and helps burn fat. All androgenic steroids improve fat burning and slow down fat acumulation but Masteron, being derived from DHT, it looks like it does this better than others. The combination of increased aggression (making workouts more effective) and reduced body fat makes it ideal for athletes and for those who follow a calorie restricted diet. It must be said that the harder look and the fat loss are morepronunced when body fat levels are under 10%. Above this levels many users find the effects of Masteron being much less visible.

The dose is 100 mg - 200 mg of Masteron once every 2-3 days. Weekly dose is around 300 mg - 500 mg. The most effective dose in relation to the benefits is 400 mg / week. 

The side effects of Masteron are mild. Gynecomastia and water retention are not no problem. Is not hepatotoxic, even when used for long periods of time. The only undesirable effects that may occur are: oily skin, acne, increased facial and body hair fast, aggression, prostate enlargement and hair loss, if there is a genetic predisposition. So those who know they have a family history of baldness would do well to stay away from Masteron. 

It's no longer manufactured under the name Masteron, so all products under this name are fakes. But many underground laboratories are producing Masteron on the black market.

WARNING! No one can deny: steroids work, and work well. But in many countries they are illegal, and most of the steroids found on the blackmarket are fake and of very low quality. But there are some good news! For those who can not find original steroids, or do not want to be exposed to the risks associated with these substances, there are powerful natural alternatives, legal and without side effects, that will get you fast and lasting results: Probolan 50 and Metadrol for muscle mass, TriApidix300 and Burn Booster for cutting and weight loss.


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